
Form follows function? Plan plots promenade! - Well, from may follow function but a plan definitely has an influence on the promenade! Strolling along, the walker discovers so much and her mind wanders to think about so many things that her imagination is constantly stimulated and enriched by her environment. This is why, as architects, we are pleased to invite you to join us in exploring a series of "promenades" through our projects. We have entrusted this mission to seven photographers whose pictures reflect the many facets of our architecture, ranging from an apartment building to a shopping centre, a wooden house to an entirely glazed tower or from a university of applied sciences to the planning of new urban districts. In addition, each photograph will be accompanied by a hopefully thought-provoking quotation.



Promenade 001
Promenade 001

Promenade 001

Promenade 002
Promenade 002

Promenade 002

Promenade 003
Promenade 003

Promenade 003

Promenade 004
Promenade 004

Promenade 004

Promenade 005
Promenade 005

Promenade 005

Promenade 006
Promenade 006

Promenade 006

Promenade 007
Promenade 007

Promenade 007

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