
Listing - PDF
Auszeichnung Berner Baukultur
Design Educates Awards
Award für Marketing + Architektur
Architizer A+Awards
International Architecture Awards 2023
Best Architects Award 23
Prix Bilan de l'immobilier 2021

2nd prize category "Logements locatifs en marché libre"

OASSIS Neighbourhood Crissier
Facility of the Year Award 2019

Category Winner for Sustainability | 2019

Celgene Production Site Couvet
International selection "Places of hope"

Leeuwarden NL, Cultural Capital of Europe | 2018

Ecoparc neighborhood Neuchâtel
International Architecture Award 2016

Honours | 2016

Europaplatz Center Bern
Best Architects Award 16

Honours | 2015

Swisswoodhouse Nebikon
WAN Award 2015
Flâneur d'Or 2014 - Prix des aménagements piétons
Architecture Award Kanton Solothurn

Honours | 2013

FHNW Olten
Best Architects Award 14
Real Estate Award

1. Prize | 2013

Real Estate Award

Honours | 2012

Waldstadt Bremer Bern
Prix Lignum

Honours | 2012

Marin Centre La Tène
Distinction romande d'Architecture - DRA
PRIDE - Cantonal award for sustainability within offices
ASPAN-SO Award - Compact city and urban space quality

1st prize | Project in collaboration with the City of Neuchâtel 2007

Ecoparc neighborhood Neuchâtel
Distinction romande d'architecture - DRA
"Little houses - very large" Award | The best houses up to 150 m2

Honours | 2003

Wood housing Award Baden-Württemberg

Honours | 2003


1st prize | 2002

Energy Thun
Energy Globe Award - Wien | Selection "Best 50"
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