Architect EPFL SIA FSU SWB, Dr. UCL, Prof. EPFL, Partner
Born in Sion
Matura in Sion
Diploma at the EFPL, EPFL Alumni Association Award (1997)
Collaboration at Chemetov & Huidobro in Paris
Collaboration at Devanthéry Lamunière in Geneva
Collaboration at MH Concept in Neuchâtel
European postgraduate studies in Architecture and Sustainability (UCL | EPFL | ENSA Toulouse | AA London), National Fund for Energy Research Scholarship (1999), Wallis Academic Society Award (2001)
Assistant for Professor Thomas Keller at the EPFL
Responsible of Bauart office in Neuchâtel
Doctoral thesis at the Catholic University of Louvain "Urban brownfields regeneration and sustainability”, European Gustave Magnel Award (2009)
Member of the Swiss Federation of Planners (FSU), Planner REG A
Partner at Bauart
Co-founder of the SWB Romandie Group
Member of the Ecoparc Association Committee
Professor at the EPFL
Head of the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies LAST
Swiss-academies award for transdisciplinary research (2015)