Raffael Graf

Architect ETH, Partner
+41 31 385 15 24


Born in Bern


Matura at Freien Gymnasium in Bern


Teaching certificate at Muristalden Seminar in Bern

1997 - 2002

Architecture studies at the ETH Zurich


Exchange semester at the EPF Lausanne


Collaboration at Furrer und Partner

2004 - 2007

Collaboration at Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd, Project manager

2007 - 2009

Collaboration at Burckardt und Partner, Officer

Since 2009

Responsible for acquisition, Member of the extended management at Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd

2012 - 2016

Member of Swissolar Association

Since 2013

Conferences in the field of architecture and wood construction

Since 2014

Partner at Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd in Bern

Since 2015

Examination expert FH Bsc Wood in Biel

Since 2016

Member of the Board of Swissolar, Head of the Solar Building Commission

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