
Densification of the Strahmhof Centre at Münchenbuchsee

Bürogebäude Suurstoffi Rotkreuz

Administrative Building Stage 3 Zollikofen

Administrative Building Stage 2 Zollikofen

Holzneubau Weiss-Müller-Stiftung Bümpliz

Strahmmatte Neighbourhood development Münchenbuchsee

Creative Factory Renens

Passerelle Zollikofen, Anbindung Nord Areal Meielen

Wankdorfcity 3 Bern

Creative Workshop Les Bois


Psychiatriezentrum PZM Münsingen

Housing in the heights of Neuchâtel

Brückenkopf Bern - Conversion of offices into apartments

Administrative Building Stage 4 Zollikofen

Verwaltungsgebäude Etappen 2 bis 4 Zollikofen

OASSIS Neighbourhood Crissier

Modular Buildings Bern-Brünnen

Haldenacher Housing Birmensdorf

Givaudan - Zurich Innovation Center

Community Centre in Crissier

Patrimonium Building Crissier

Nursing home and care centre Domicil Weiermatt Münchenbuchsee

Lodge79 Kemptthal

Conversion at the Christoffelgasse 6 Bern

Celgene Production Site Couvet

Housing NEOCASA La Neuveville

Camille Bloch Chocolate Factory Courtelary

New Celgene Production Site Boudry

Blatten Männedorf School Complex

Ballenberg Course Centre Hofstetten

Centre de psychiatrie communautaire du Littoral (CPCL) Neuchâtel

Vieux-Patriotes La Chaux-de-Fonds

Transformation of the Cantonal Parliament Zug

Students' Lodge Bolligen

Interior transformation of the Post Office Headquarters Wankdorf Bern

Climbing Gym for Bouldering Ostermundigen

Maladière Master plan, Pierre-à-Mazel Neuenburg

Test study of the centre, Herrliberg

Laboratory modules - the Inselspital site in Bern

Förrlibuck Apartments Zurich

Europaplatz Center Bern

"Muttimatte" retirement homes Bruegg

FHNW Olten

Manufacture Fehr + Cie SA and Technofrap SA La Chaux-de-Fonds

Sant'Abbondio Holiday Homes

Microcity Neuchâtel

Testplanung Bahnhof Süd Morges

Modular - Niederwangen

Modular Zug

School and residential complex Sonnegg Belp

Waldstadt Bremer Bern

Route de Perreux Boudry

Celgene Warehouse Boudry

Swisswoodhouse Nebikon


Passerelle du Millénaire Neuchâtel

Administrative building Ara Bern

Im Vieri Schwerzenbach

Transformation of the former Cadolles Hospital – New building Neuchâtel

Transformation of the former Cadolles Hospital Neuchâtel

Marin Centre La Tène

modular-x Männedorf

Ecoparc neighborhood Neuchâtel

Campus Arc 2 Neuchâtel

Campus Arc 1 Neuchâtel

Züri-Modular [2nd generation since 2012]

Transformation and extension of Eichholz campground Wabern

Lofts Neuchâtel

A+P House Meilen

Transformation of a former factory Neuchâtel

S+K House Bülach

Swiss Federal Statistical Office Tower Neuchâtel

Residential complexes in the Ecoparc neighbourhood in Neuchâtel

Housing "Höhenflüge" Bolligen

Expo.sleeper Neuchâtel

Fällimoos Biberist 2

Energy Thun

Schwerzimoos Biberist 1

Housing and offices Stadtbach Bern

Swiss Federal Statistical Office Neuchâtel

Transformation of the Natural History Museum Neuchâtel

The Youth hostel Zermatt

Transformation Swiss National Science Foundation Bern

Building density into the north side of the Inselspital Bern

Malley intercommunal master plan

Umbau Kehrli + Oeler Bern

Transformation of the district court Yverdon-les-Bains


Züri-Modular [1. Generation 1998-2011]

Attisholz, Riedholz / Luterbach Solothurn


Neubau Verdichtungs- und Lärmschutzbau Muristrasse Bern

Teststudie Arc-en-Ciel Bussigny Crissier

Renovation of Visana administrative building Bern

Transformation of the Cantonal Parliament Zug

Kindergarten Morillon Bern

Modular-T | Neuchâtel

Zwei Einfamilienhäuser Mühlethurnen

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